God's Sacrificial Reminders [Numbers 28]

1Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

 2"Command the sons of Israel and say to them, 'You shall be careful to present My offering, My food for My offerings by fire, of a soothing aroma to Me, at their appointed time.'

It is difficult to fathom the constant bloody and elaborate sacrificial system God demanded of His people in conjunction with the gift of the tabernacle and His Holy presence in the form of a cloud or pillar of fire in the midst of the camp. Numbers 28 and 29 summarize these sacrifices presenting the frequency and the details of the sacrifices. One thing is clear from the passage, something or another was being killed every day, morning and evening. In addition, extra sacrifices occurred on a regular basis for various reasons. Here is an outline of the sacrifices presented in Numbers 28.

As you read through the outline, just consider all of these sacrifices in addition to the sacrifices brought for various reasons by the multitudes of people! What a bloody and smelly mess that must have been there in the middle of the camp. Imagine what it meant to be a priest or Levite under those circumstances. Then, remember what Jesus did to stop all of that sacrificing for His people, for us who believe in Him, Jew or Gentile.


Continual Daily Burnt Offering*

Morning - 1 male lamb 

Evening - 1 male lamb 

Why?  6'It is a continual burnt offering which was ordained in Mount Sinai as a soothing aroma, an offering by fire to the LORD.

Weekly Sabbath Day Burnt Offering

2 -male one year old lambs without defect

At Beginning of Each Month Burnt Offering

2 - bulls

1 - ram

7 - one year old lambs without defect   

1 - male goat (for a sin offering with a drink offering- no flour and oil)

Lord's Passover (begins on 14th day of the first month)

Day 15 - Feast of Unleavened Bread - (Every day for 7 days)

    eat unleavened bread

    Burnt offering - 2 bulls, 1 ram and 7 male lambs (no defects) 
    Sin Offering - 1 male goat

    (no laborious work on 1st and 7th day with holy convocation)

Feast of Weeks

Day of First Fruits
    no laborious work and holy convocation
    grain offering to the Lord
    Burnt offering - 2 young bulls, 1 ram, 7 year old male lambs
    Sin Offering - 1 male goat


*Each of the animals for the various burnt offerings (except the goat sin offering) were offered with a specific corresponding amount of fine flour and oil along with a specified amount of strong drink to be poured out. 


God, we praise You for the reminder of what being in Your presence in a somewhat limited way required of Your people. Thank you that You provided the final and perfect sacrifice in Jesus that enables us to not only be in Your presence all of the time, but enables Your presence to indwell us!! Cause us to embrace and live in the light of these reminders today.

Beth Warlick, 8/6/2010